

Bongos 핸드퍼커션

Bongos (bon-gos) are an important part of the Afro-Cuban family of rhythm instruments.
  • 상품번호 : 2307


Bongos (bon-gos) are an important part of the Afro-Cuban family of rhythm instruments. Normally held between the player's knees and played with the fingertips, the bongos have a high pitched sound that can be clearly heard over the other instruments. Like many drums and percussion instruments from around the world, the sound of the bongo is different when played at the edge of the head and the middle of the head. Bongo players combine these sounds and rhythms between the high and low bongo drums to create "patterns" that other players and listeners can easily recognize.




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6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합