

완벽한 밸런스의 컬러와 음색이 아름답게 조화를 이루는 BUFFET의 CLARINET
  • 상품정보고시 :
  • 상품번호 : 3844



완벽한 밸런스의 컬러와 음색이 아름답게 조화를 이루는 Buffet의 Clarinet

Each school of music has its own instrumental character. The German school favours a full and focused woody sound, while the French school of wind instruments cultivates vigour and fluidity, and beauty in the model.

Buffet Crampon has contributed in a material way to the creation of the modern clarinet and the founding of high-quality interpretation.

  • It has also played a preponderant role in developing teaching methods, accompanying an illustrious line of teachers that have graduated from the best music conservatories in the world.
  • The C12 and E13 clarinets were developed for most students who are preparing for a career as a professional musician and whose technical level has exceeded the quality of their first instrument. Made entirely in grenadilla wood, these clarinets give these musicians their first sensations as a soloist.
품명 및 모델명    Conservatoir (BC1136C)
인증번호 해당없음
크기  제조사에서 제공하지 않음
색상 블랙
재질 Unstained African Blackwood,Silver plated
제품 구성 본품, 하드케이스, 침수건, 융, 보증서
동일모델의 출시년월
2001년 1월
수입원 ㈜코스모스악기
제조국 프랑스
상품별 세부 사양    Bb / 440 Hz, Stained African Blackwood, 17keys & 6 rings
품질보증기준 1년 
A/S 책임자와 전화번호  (주)코스모스악기 AS 센터  02)3486-8844
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현재 비밀번호
신규 비밀번호
신규 비밀번호 확인
6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합