◇ 건반:손 건반 61건×2단, 다리 건반 32건반(AGO 방사형) ◇ 음색 스탑수:그레이트 9(8), 스웰 13(3), 페달 10(5) ◇출력(power) :500 W (RMS 외장형) ◇ 외형 치수:1,486(W)×1,258(D)×1,207(H) mm(다리 건반 보면대 포함) 3차원 음향조절장치(RSS 시스템 내장 ) 파이프 연결기능 Features
Available Options
Great Organ : Principal 8'(Diapason 8') Rohrflöte 8' Gemshorn 8' Flûte Céleste II 8'(Erzähler Céleste II 8') Octave 4'(Principal 4') Spitzflöte 4'(Unda Maris II 4') Super Octave 2'(Waldflöte 2') Fourniture IV(Quinflöte 1-1/3') Cromorne 8'(Trompete 8', Royal Trumpet 8') Chimes(Harpsichord, SATB Oo, SATB Ah) |
Swell Organ : Bourdon Doux 16'(Strings, Slow Strings) Geigen Principal 8'(Voile 8') Viole Céleste II 8' Bourdon 8' Prestant 4' Flauto Traverso 4' Nazard 2-2/3' Flûte à Bec 2' Tierce 1-3/5' Plein Jeu IV Basson 16'(Fagot 16') Trompette 8'(Royal Trumpet 8'[GT]) Hautbois 8'(Brass) Tremulant Swell Unison Off |
Pedal Organ : Contre Violone 32' Principal 16'(Violone 16') Subbass 16'(Bordun 16') Bourdon Doux 16'[SW] Octave 8' Gedackt 8' Choralbass 4'(Nachthorn 4') Mixture IV(Rohrschalmei 4') Posaune 16'(Basson 16'[SW]) Trompete 8'
Shoes (all with indicators)
Lighted Pistons
Combination Pistons
Memory Pistons (thumb)
Size and Weight
Audio SystemAvailable in 2 versions, external and internal. T788e - External: Five channel bi-amplified audio system (440W*) with 5 Rodgers Audiophile speakers. T788i - Internal: Three channel bi-amplified audio system (240W*). Two tweeters, two mid range and woofer. Custom speaker installations, antiphonal divisions and increased channeling are optional. (*continuous average power output)