웅장한 소리로 관중을 압도하는 Paiste의 GONG
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  • 상품번호 : 3821



웅장한 소리로 관중을 압도하는 Paiste의 GONG

Our oldest version of the instrument, Symphonic Gongs have a slightly raised surface (without boss) with a harmonic and universal sound structure. The fundamental note of the gong is balanced with the instrument's complex overtones.

The characterizing word Symphonic thereby should not be misinterpreted as describing the literal sense of classical symphonic orchestra application but its original sense to unite harmonic sounds. The describing word universal shall be understood as “sound in its entirety”.

The sound of these gongs can be influenced and varied through the nature of the stroke, as well as the size, weight, and composition of the mallets. By varying the striking points, highs, lows, and various sound mixtures contained in the entirety of the gong’s sound sphere may be extracted and played up.

Symphonic Gongs feature some of our largest examples of the instrument, like the 60” and the extraordinary 80”, the world’s largest playable gong.

품명 및 모델명    Symphonic 20", 22", 24", 26", 28", 30", 32" , 34", 36", 38", 40"
인증번호 해당없음
크기  제조사에서 제공하지 않음
색상 Brass
재질 Brass
제품 구성 본체, 스탠드, 말렛
동일모델의 출시년월
2001년 2월
수입원 ㈜코스모스악기
제조국 스위스
상품별 세부 사양    20" (50 cm), 22" (55.88 cm), 24" (60.96 cm), 26" (60.04 cm), 28" (71.12 cm), 30" (76.2 cm), 32" (81.28 cm), 34" (86.36 cm), 36" (91.44 cm), 38" (96.52 cm), 40" (101.6 cm)
품질보증기준 1년 
A/S 책임자와 전화번호  (주)코스모스악기 AS 센터  02)3486-8844
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