

완벽한 밸런스의 컬러와 음색이 아름답게 조화를 이루는 BUFFET의 CLARINET
  • 상품정보고시 :
  • 상품번호 : 3853



완벽한 밸런스의 컬러와 음색이 아름답게 조화를 이루는 Buffet의 Clarinet

Research and development is both a rigorous and creative process. In collaboration with our workshops and internationally renowned clarinetists, Paul Meyer worked on the research project for developing new acoustics, resulting in the Divine clarinet.

This model benefits from having the same hole placement as the Tosca model which allows for better intonation in every register.

The improved bore favors flexible register-crossing and freer blowing during the most demanding pieces. The Divine clarinet comes with two barrels – 65mm (442hz) and 66mm (440hz) – which fit with both the Bb and the A model.

The Divine is made of grenadilla wood with specific upper joint Green Line tone-hole slots eliminating air leaks on tone-holes most prone to crack.

The carbon wire (a Buffet Crampon patent), which replaces the metal rings, makes the clarinet 60 grams lighter and thus contributes to its exceptional balance with greater vibration and freer blowing. As with the Tosca model, the Divine clarinets are equipped with a low F correction key.

New keywork and spatulas enhance the clarinet’s ergonomics without destabilizing the musician’s capabilities. Whereas the Tosca clarinet was the R13 bore’s top range model, the Divine features the Buffet Crampon RC bore’s latest evolution.

This new range of clarinet represents a major step forward in Buffet Crampon’s history, by fusing technical expertise with unparalleled craftsmanship in French wind instrument manufacturing.

품명 및 모델명    Divine (BC 1160L / BC 1260L)
인증번호 해당없음
크기  제조사에서 제공하지 않음
색상 블랙
재질 Natural African blackwood,steel
제품 구성 본품, 하드케이스, 침수건, 융, 보증서
동일모델의 출시년월
2001년 1월
수입원 ㈜코스모스악기
제조국 프랑스
상품별 세부 사양    Bb, A / 440/442 Hz, Green Line tone hole slots, Metal capped tenons, Carbon wire, Synthetic cork, 19keys & 6 rings, Low F 보정key, GT pads
품질보증기준 1년 
A/S 책임자와 전화번호  (주)코스모스악기 AS 센터  02)3486-8844
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