Ludwig Albert Artist Marimba 5.0 Octaves


Ludwig Albert Artist Marimba 5.0 Octaves LMarimba

벨기안 마림자 거장 Ludwig Albert와의 콜라보레이션 모델
  • 상품정보고시 :
  • 상품번호 : 4099

Ludwig Albert Artist Marimba 5.0 Octaves


벨기안 마림자 거장 Ludwig Albert와의 콜라보레이션 모델

The Ludwig Albert Artist Marimba is the newest signature model in Adams’ Artist Series. Inspired by the Adams Custom Classic Marimba, the instrument was made in close collaboration with Belgian marimba virtuoso Ludwig Albert. Built on the Traveller frame’s low cross bar and smooth, large rolling wheels, the instrument has fantastic stability. The frame’s beautiful white stained rails and side parts include Adams’ patented Voyager Height Adjustment System. Satin Gold colored resonators complete the design, making the marimba shine on stage.

품명 및 모델명    Ludwig Albert
인증번호 해당없음
크기  제조사에서 제공하지 않음
색상 Gold Resonator
재질 Honduras Rosewood, Stainless steel
제품 구성 본체, 커버, 말렛
동일모델의 출시년월
2005년 5월
수입원 ㈜코스모스악기
제조국 네덜란드
상품별 세부 사양    Honduras Rosewood, 5 oct. (C2~C7). Voyager Frame, Arched resonator
품질보증기준 1년 
A/S 책임자와 전화번호  (주)코스모스악기 AS 센터  02)3486-8844
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